Is it safe to pick up a pigeon?

As an expert in bird rescue and pigeon care, I can assure you that it is indeed safe to pick up a pigeon. Not only is it safe for you, but it is also safer for the bird compared to being caught by a predator. Pigeons are harmless to humans and cannot bite or cause any harm. Contrary to popular belief, the likelihood of getting sick from a pigeon is minimal. In fact, you are more likely to get sick from a dog or cat.

To ensure maximum safety, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and water after handling any animal, including pigeons. This simple practice can reduce the chances of illness to near zero.

Now, let’s discuss how to safely catch a pigeon. There are several methods that have proven to be successful. The method you choose will depend on your comfort level and the condition of the pigeon.

The first and easiest method is to simply scoop the pigeon up in your hands. However, if a pigeon allows itself to be picked up easily, it is likely in real trouble and may require professional care.

If the bird is weak or unable to fly but tries to get away from you, you can try walk-herding it into a corner or inside through an open door. Once the bird is in a confined space, you can gently pick it up using a blanket, towel, or sweater. Make sure to hold the bird with its wings folded against its sides to prevent panicked flapping. In this condition, the pigeon will likely require assessment by an expert.

If the pigeon appears strong and healthy but is unwilling to be caught, you can use the crate-and-string method. Set up a cage with food and water deep inside, and create a thin trail of seeds leading up to the cage door. When the bird enters the cage to get the food, you can pull the string to close the door. This method may take some time, but it is reliable and bird-friendly.

Another effective method is using a box trap. Place food and water underneath an upside-down box or laundry basket, with a trail leading up to it. When the pigeon ventures under the box to get the food, pull the string to remove the stick propping up the box, trapping the pigeon inside. Carefully reach underneath the box to retrieve the pigeon.

If the pigeon is roosting at night, you can attempt to catch it during this time. Pigeons have poor night vision and tend to hold still in the dark if they sense danger approaching. With caution, you can climb a ladder and grab the pigeon with both hands around its body.

Lastly, for catching pigeons in a wild flock or removing entangled string from their feet, you can spread food on the ground in a line while standing nearby. As the pigeons approach and cluster around the food, you can swiftly drop your hand down to pin the bird to the ground. This method requires practice and careful timing.

Once you have caught the pigeon, it is vital to bring it indoors for safety. Leaving a bird outdoors in an indoor cage is dangerous as it can attract predators. It is recommended to seek assistance from a pigeon-friendly expert who can assess the bird’s condition and provide proper care.

If you need help with catching a pigeon or require further guidance, feel free to reach out to Bird Poop Cleaning at [] or call us at [082-797-3702]. Our team of experts is here to assist you in safely handling and caring for pigeons.

Remember, your actions can save a pigeon’s life, and they are deserving of our compassion and care.