Is pigeon poop harmful?


As experts in the field of bird poop cleaning, we understand the concerns people may have regarding the potential harm caused by pigeon poop. In this informative post, we will address the topic of whether pigeon poop is harmful and provide you with safe cleaning tips and precautions to follow.

Pigeon-Related Diseases

Pigeon droppings can be associated with certain diseases, including Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis, and Psittacosis. However, it is important to note that the risk of contracting these diseases from pigeon poop is rare. The individuals who are most susceptible to these diseases are those with compromised immune systems.

Safe Cleaning Tips

When it comes to cleaning up pigeon droppings, it is crucial to take proper precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some safe cleaning tips to follow:

  1. Avoid direct contact: Do not touch the droppings with your bare hands.
  2. Wash your hands and exposed skin: After cleaning, thoroughly wash your hands and any exposed skin with soap and water.
  3. Compromised immune system: If you have a compromised immune system, such as from HIV/AIDS or cancer, it is best to avoid cleaning up pigeon droppings altogether.

Small Projects

For routine cleanings, such as removing droppings from a windowsill, the health risk is minimal for most people. However, it is still recommended to take certain precautions:

  1. Wear disposable gloves: Use disposable gloves to prevent direct contact with the droppings.
  2. Wash clothes: Wear clothes that can be washed after cleaning to avoid any potential contamination.

Large Projects

If you are planning a large cleanup, such as removing droppings from an air shaft, it is important to take additional safety measures:

  1. Protective clothing: Wear protective clothing, such as disposable coveralls, boots, and gloves, to minimize the risk of exposure.
  2. Minimize dust: When using a high-powered water hose, take steps to minimize dust. You can use plastic sheeting to contain the area or wet down the work area to prevent inhalation and reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Soaking and shoveling: Instead of using a high-powered water hose, it is recommended to soak the droppings in water and shovel them. Collect the wet material in heavy-duty plastic bags or secure containers and dispose of them with regular garbage.
  4. Regular cleaning: After completing the cleanup, it is essential to wash the area regularly to prevent future buildup.


Property owners are responsible for cleaning up pigeon droppings on or originating from their property. While it is not illegal to feed or keep pigeons, if you encounter excessive droppings or unsanitary conditions caused by pigeons, you have the right to file an online complaint.

Additional Resources

For more information about pigeon-related diseases and protecting yourself from potential risks, you can refer to the following resources:

If you require professional assistance in sanitizing, disinfecting, and removing bird poop from your balconies, homes, storage areas, or factories in Bangkok, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or call us at 082-797-3702. Our team at Bird Poop Cleaning is here to help you maintain a clean and bird-free environment.